Wild Flowers Galleries
Photographs in the galleries below show more than 130
of the flowering plants found in Selsdon Wood - listed in alphabetical
order of common name. All have been taken within our wood - dates
given in the captions. There are a number of species which we believe can be found in Selsdon
Wood but we have not yet been able to find or photograph them.
These are shown in red on the alphabetical lists at the top of each
gallery. If you can find any of them and send us a photograph we would
love to hear from you:-)
See the Sightings page for a list of all the Wild Flowers that have been found in Selsdon Wood this year.
This has information about the months in which the plant is in flower, the location and the years in which it has been observed. It also shows which flowers have been spotted this year and the date on which they were first seen in flower. The list was last updated on the date shown.
Below are illustrated guides to a selection of the flowers assorted by colour. We hope you enjoy using these for identification.
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Pink:Red Flowers 2022.pdf Size : 375.614 Kb Type : pdf |
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Yellow Flowers.pdf Size : 439.906 Kb Type : pdf |
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Blue:Purple Flowers.pdf Size : 335.553 Kb Type : pdf |
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White:Cream Flowers 2021.pdf Size : 474.736 Kb Type : pdf |
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Other Flowers 2022.pdf Size : 294.975 Kb Type : pdf |
Flowers A (4 species photographed)
---- Agrimony (2) ---- Alkanet, Green (2) ---- Anemone, Wood (3) ---- Angelica ---- Archangel, Yellow (2) ----
Flowers B
---- Bartsia, Red (3) ---- Basil, Wild ---- Bedstraw, Hedge (2) ---- Bedstraw, Lady’s ---- Bindweed, Field (3) ---- Bindweed, Great ----
---- Bittercress, Hairy (2) ---- Bittercress, Wavy ---- Bittersweet/Woody Nightshade (2) ---- Bluebell (2) ---- Bramble/Blackberry (3) ----
---- Bryony, Black (2) ---- Bryony, White (2) ---- Bugle (2) ---- Bugloss, Vipers ---- Burdock, Greater (3) ---- Burnet, Salad ---- Buttercup, Bulbous (3) --
---- Buttercup, Creeping (2) ---- Buttercup, Goldilocks (2) ---- Buttercup, Meadow (2) ----
See this article from Janet Sharp for more about Bluebells.
Flowers C
---- Campion, Bladder (2) ---- Campion, Red ---- Campion, White ---- Carrot, Wild (3) ---- Catsear, Common (2) ---- Celandine ----
---- Centaury, Common ---- Charlock (2) ---- Chickweed, Common ---- Cinquefoil ---- Cleavers/Goosegrass (2) -
-- Clover, Red ---- Clover, White (2) ---- Clustered Bellflower ---- Coltsfoot (3) ---- Columbine (2) ---- Comfrey (2) ---- Cornflower ----
---- Cow Parsley (3) ---- Cowslip ---- Cranesbill, Cut-leaved ---- Cranesbill, Dovesfoot (2) ---- Cranesbill, French ----
---- Crocus ---- Crowfoot, Water ---- Cuckoo Flower/Lady's Smock (2) ---- Cuckoo Pint/Lords & Ladies (6) ----
---- Currant, Downy (5) ----
Flowers D
---- Daffodil (2) ---- Daisy, Common ---- Daisy, Ox-eye (2) ---- Dandelion (2) ---- Dock, Broad-leaved (2) ---- Dock, Red-veined ----
---- Dog’s Mercury (4) ---- Dropwort ---- Duckweed, Common (2) ----
Flowers E - F
---- Elder, Ground ---- Enchanter's Nightshade (3) ---- Figwort, Common (2) ---- Forget-me-not, Common ---- Forget-me-not, Water ----
---- Forget-me-not, Wood ---- Fox & Cubs ---- Foxglove (3) ----
Flowers G
---- Garlic, Wild ---- Goatsbeard (2) ---- Golden Rod, Canadian (2) ---- Gooseberry ---- Grape Hyacinth ----
----Greater Celandine ---- Ground Ivy (2) ---- Groundsel, Common ----
Flowers H
---- Harebell ---- Hartwort (2) ---- Hawkweed/Hawksbeard/Hawkbit (2) ---- Hawkweed, Mouse Ear ----
---- Hedge Parsley ---- Helleborine, Broad-leaved (3) ---- Helleborine, White ---- Hemp Agrimony --
------ Herb Bennet/Wood Avens (2) ---- Herb Paris (2) ---- Herb Robert (2) ---- Hogweed (3) ---- Honesty ----
---- Honeysuckle (2) ---- Horehound, Black ----
Flowers I - J - K - L
---- Iris, Stinking ---- Iris, Yellow (2) ---- Ivy ---- Knapweed, Black (2) ---- Knotgrass (2) ---- Ling ----
Flowers M
---- Mallow, Common ---- Mallow, Musk (2) ---- Mallow, Rough ---- Marjoram (2) ---- Medick, Black (3) ---- Moschatel/Townhall Clock ----
-- Mouse-ear, Common ---- Mouse-ear, Sticky ---- Mullein, Greater (2) ---- Mustard, Garlic ---- Mustard, Hedge (3) ----
Flowers N
---- Narcissus (2)---- Nettle, Dead Red (2) ---- Nettle, Dead White (2) ---- Nettle, Hemp (2) ---- Nettle, Stinging ---- Nipplewort (2) ----
Wild Flowers O
---- Orchid, Bee ---- Orchid, Bird's nest ---- Orchid, Common Spotted (4) ---- Orchid, Common
Twayblade ---- Orchid, Early Purple (6)
---- Orchid, Pyramidal (3) ---- Orchid, Southern Marsh ---- Oregon Grape ---- Oxalis tetraphylla (4 leaved Pink Sorrel) ----
Flowers P - Q
---- Parsnip, Wild ---- Pansy Wild ---- Periwinkle, Lesser ---- Pignut ---- Pimpernel, Scarlet ---- Pimpernel, Yellow (2) ----
---- Pineapple Mayweed (2) ---- Pink Oxalis ---- Plantain, Greater/Broad-leaved (3) ---- Plantain, Hoary ----
---- Plantain, Ribwort (2) ---- Poached Egg Flower ---- Poppy (Common) ---- Poppy (Pink) ----
---- Poppy (Welsh) (2) ---- Primrose (2) ----
Flowers R
---- Ragwort (2) ---- Raspberry (3) ---- Rattle, Greater Yellow (2) ---- Redshank ---- Rocket, Annual Wall ---- Rock-Rose, Common ----
---- Rock-Rose, Common ---- Rose, Dog ---- Rose, Field ----
Flowers S
---- Sainfoin ---- Saint John's Wort, Hairy (2) ---- Saint John's Wort, Perforate ---- Saint John's Wort, Trailing ---- Sandwort, Three-veined ----
---- Sanicle (2) ---- Scabious (2) ---- Scabious, Small ---- Scentless Mayweed ---- Self-Heal (2) ---- Silverweed ----
---- Shepherd’s Purse (2) ---- Snowdrop ---- Sorrel, Common ---- Sorrel, Sheeps ----
---- Sow-Thistle, Prickly (2) ---- Sow-Thistle, Smooth (3) ---- Speedwell, Germander ---- Speedwell, Heath ----
---- Speedwell, Lilac Ivy-leaved ---- Speedwell, Slender (2) ---- Speedwell, Thyme-leaved ---- Speedwell, Wood ---- Stitchwort, Greater (2) ----
---- Stitchwort, Lesser ---- Strawberry, Wild (2) ---- Strawberry, Barren (2) ---- Storksbill ----
Flowers T
---- Thistle, Creeping ---- Thistle, Slender (3) ---- Thistle, Spear (4) ---- Toadflax, Yellow (2) ---- Toadflax, Purple ----
---- Toothwort ---- Tormentil ---- Traveller's Joy/Old Man's Beard (3) ----
---- Trefoil, Birds-foot ---- Trefoil, Hop ---- Trefoil, Lesser ---- Tutsan (2) ----
Flowers U - V
---- Vervain, Common ---- Vetch, Bush (3) ---- Vetch, Common ---- Vetch, Common Yellow ---- Vetch, Horseshoe ----
---- Vetch, Kidney ---- Vetchling, Grass (2) ---- Vetchling, Meadow (2) ---- Violet, Dog (3) ----
Wild Flowers W - X - Y - Z
---- Weld --- Willowherb, Broad-leaved (3) ---- Willowherb, Great ---- Willowherb, Rose-bay ---- Wintercress, Common ---- Woodruff ----
---- Woodrush, Hairy ---- Woodrush, Narrow-leaved ----
---- Wood Sage ---- Wood-Sorrel (2) ----
Wood Spurge (2) ---- Woundwort, Hedge (2) ---- Yarrow ---- (3) ---- Yellow Bird's Nest (4) ----