(see Walks and Workdays pages for reports of those)
c/w SRA Community Picnic and Fun afternoon
Sunday 8th September 2024
c/w SRA Community Picnic and Fun afternoon
Sunday 3rd September 2023
FSW Open Day 2023 - Report by Linda Morris
FSW are glad to report that those attending the FSW Open Day (c/w SRA Community Picnic and Fun afternoon) on 3rd September all seemed to enjoy the occasion. We struck lucky with the weather again - sunshine, but not the highest temperatures of the September heatwave.
We welcomed back some regular stallholders (and some new ones including representatives of the Downlands Trust) and many made donations to our funds, for which we are very grateful. We were sorry though that several of our former stall holders were unable to attend due largely to the lack of volunteer help. The refreshments (and the tables and seating) provided by the Scouts were very welcome - even though the day was perhaps too hot for some to enjoy their burgers! And the lovely singing by the young C & W songstress, Lauca, was enjoyed by those having their picnic lunch, drinks and burgers.
The fun of the FSW tombola and the sales of the white elephants and a few books from those on sale on the FSW stall raised over £200. This - plus the additional donations and subs received - mean we should be able to continue FSW’s work of repairing the old seats/benches in the wood as well as the renovation of the Linden Pool and Glade as the council now only does what is considered urgently essential work in the wood: neither of these projects meet their criteria for action.
The FSW members on our information stall were pleased to talk about our work in the wood and hope they have whetted the appetite of some who might wish to join in the work sessions - enthusiasm is more important than brawn, so do think about coming along to see us in action. We supply the tools and you the labour, doing tasks that suits each person’s skills and ability.
Several new members enrolled at the Open Day and others who had not so far done so this year renewed their subs. Each £5 sub can be Gift Aided and each one adds to our coffers to help us continue to conserve the wood for the enjoyment of all. Even if you cannot help physically in the wood or in the background in some way with our admin or planning etc of events, joining as a Friend demonstrates your support and the increasing numbers make our case when we apply for grants so much stronger.
The FSW Calendars for 2024 were popular and donations for these also boosted our funds. There are still some left if you want one! There was also the Photo competition to judge – the choice really does seem to get more difficult each year and you can see the entries elsewhere on this website. Do consider submitting some photos yourself for next year’s competition for pictures taken between September ‘23 and August ’24.
FSW always offer a short woodland stroll on the Open Day to give an interesting introduction to those who had not ventured into the wood before. We hope to see some of those strollers who joined Ted this year on our guided walks in the coming year. See our programme on our Walks page elsewhere on this website.
A big thank you to all who helped and who attended and made the day such a success. We will probably do it again in 2024 - date t.b.c. but probably either 1st or 8th September - but, after then, it could be time to hand the baton on to others to keep the event and stalls going. All voluntary groups, it seems, need more help and their on-going attendance at the Open Day is not certain. Please remember this when you look back on this day and think what you could do to help FSW to keep it going! Please contact Linda Morris, the FSW Open Day organiser, via selsdonwood@gmail.com if you want any more information about taking over from her in due course. Perhaps you would like to shadow her during the year as she plans for the 2024 Open Day to see what is involved?
Open Day Walk - Report by Ted Forsyth
Initially it appeared that only one person was interested in joining the guided walk at 12.30pm but two groups involving young Scavenge Hunters came to join in and a few more additions meant that the final complement was comprised of ten persons, of various ages, plus one dog.
After a quick look at the items on the Scavenger Hunt sheet we wandered up Greenhill Way and stopped at the entrance to the woodland. Huge sycamore leaves were obvious for “a leaf bigger than your hand” so we were off to a quick start. At the first opening we left Greenhill Way and made or way down to get to David’s Crook where various other hunt items were found. After an unsuccessful look for Common Lizards we began looking for Sloe berries on the Blackthorn hedge, finding dozens of the berries but being unable to find any which had been turned into Pocket Plum galls by the fungus which had been so active earlier in the year. Pool Grove took us to Linden Glade and the newly (almost) finished refurbishment of the pool.
The return route began when we entered Smith Grove and an eagle-eyed adult spotted a Hunt item, Pine Cone, on the path, though there were no Pines in the immediate area. We turned into Bluebell Grove and stopped at the junction with The Wend to look at the display of Common Earthball fungi. Continuing down The Wend allowed us to see the definite Pine tree at the end and to find more Pine cones before diverting briefly into Stevens Walk to see the multiple clumps of Yellow Stagshorn fungi growing on a fallen conifer.
Crossing Great Field to the Centenary Plantation, we were able to see the differences on the Sessile Oak leaves (long stalks) and the Pedunculate or English Oak leaves (short stalk), and even found an English Oak still with a long-stalked acorn which had not yet fallen. The Turkey Oak at the edge of the next field was too high to allow us to look for ant of the distinctive “hairy” acorn cups.
The path across field 2 was no longer obvious, as the grass in all the fields had been cut recently, but aiming towards an opening on the tree-line ahead of us returned us to the car park field and all the continuing activity.
Open Day Financial Report - by Karen Hall
Tombola - £170.15
White Elephant Stall - £113.90 includes additional donations and a donation from Valerie's jewellery sales & toy raffle
Pitch Fees - £40
New Memberships - £255
Renewals - £5
Donations - £37.90
Calendars - £105
TOTAL - £526.95
Tombola Prizes – to be advised
TOTAL - £??
Photos by Dawn Gibbons.
c/w SRA Community Picnic and Fun afternoon
Sunday 4th September 2022
Despite dire weather forecasts in the week before the event and for the date itself, we successfully carried out ‘anti-rain dances’ and FSW were able to have another successful Open Day this year in fine weather. There was a variety of stalls and activities for those of all ages to enjoy and we had our usual Scouts providing refreshments and seating.
We were delighted to be able to start offering our 2023 calendar for a minimum donation of £5. It seemed very popular this year but there are still some left for those of you who would like to have one or get as a Christmas gift to remind people of what a beautiful place we have on our doorstep. Please contact our Chair, Heather Govier on 020 8657- 0423 to obtain one.
We had a Scavenger Hunt and a Storytime session for the children and a short guided walk planned for the adults – although it seemed people were not feeling very energetic for that as we sadly had very few joining it
I am pleased to say though that it seemed people were perhaps saving their energy for the games and races organised by the Sanderstead and Selsdon Rotary Club on behalf of the SRA and also that there seemed to be more joining in the community picnic this year.
Our regular stall holders all seemed pleased with their day and our new stall holders too mostly enjoyed the experience although would have welcomed even more trade!
We will probably run the event again next year – likely date Sunday 3rd September 2023 so please put it in your diary (or on your new calendar!) now!
Those of you who came to judge the Photo Competition will have discovered that there were insufficient entries to make it worthwhile this year, sadly. However, the few entries we did have will be held over for another year and we invite you all to submit a photo (or up to 6) taken in the wood between mid-August this year and next so we have a bumper display for judging at the 2023 Open Day.
In the meantime, FSW guided walks and work days will continue so do consider coming along to those – full details given above.
Open Day Walk - Report by Ted Forsyth
I was joined by an Asian couple who said they would be interested to learn about fungi and trees. They introduced themselves as Carlo and his wife, whose name I have unfortunately forgotten, and when I gave them my name they recognised it from reading the Selsdon Gazette. After leaving Greenhill Way we walked down to enter David’s Crook where we began identifying trees and bushes while Carlo took photographs. He, incidentally, was one of the entrants in the abandoned Photographic Competition. On the Field Maples at the top of the field I pointed out Pea and Needle Galls, and discussed the Blackthorn and sloes, before turning into Bluebell Grove. Carlo’s wife pointed to a small mushroom which I identified as Buttercap then we found dozens more as we walked along. A small white Blueing Bracket was found and on the same log another projecting fungus was Smoky Bracket. The Deer Shield behind Vera May Cannon’s seat was pointed out then a brief diversion into Smith Grove found the large Beefsteak at the base of a tree. Once back on Bluebell Grove we continued to enter The Wend to see the display of small Beefsteaks on the large Sweet Chestnut Stump. Carlo showed a picture he had taken earlier – it was another Beefsteak. On the way towards Great Field we found the large white resupinate fungus on the vertical trunk of a tree, which we believe is the one reported earlier by Heather. The walk continued back down to the car park, taking in total exactly one hour.
Open Day Financial Report - by Karen Hall
Tombola and WE - £205.55
Pitch Fees - £75 * incl £20 from Abbeyfield paid online
New Memberships - £20
Renewals - £35
Donations - £69.59
Calendars - £135.00 * incl £10 H Cannon paid online
TOTAL - £540.14
Tombola Prizes – £46.18
TOTAL - £46.18
NET TAKINGS - £493.96
I was contacted on 12th September by Shelina Jaffer from the community group Ismaili Civic. They planned to hold an event in our wood on 26th September as part of a worldwide Global Ismaili Civic Day on the theme of Environmental Stewardship.
The group had already been in touch with Meike Weiser and had Council consent. Their intention was to hold an acorn hunt followed by a planting session in which the acorns were planted in pots to be taken home and cared for until they grew into sapling trees.
I was sorry to tell them that this project would not work as there are virtually no acorns in the wood this year - due to a wet spring which prevented pollination of the oak flowers. I suggested an alternative Fruits and Nuts hunt and supplied a map and information sheet for a short trail to find 10 different fruits and nuts. A more general Scavenger Hunt was also offered.
On the day Ismaili Civic volunteers arrived with a marquee and tables which were set up in the overspill car park. Attendance was good with approximately 50 people joining the walk - half of whom were children. The hunt was very enjoyable with the children staying fully engaged throughout the 2 hour walk and finding most of the fruits, nuts and other scavenger challenges.
On return to the car park they were led by Meike in a planting session and there were short addresses from representatives from Ismaili Civic and from the Council. Everyone was given a bag of light refreshments and the children all received a book appropriate to their age on an environmental topic.
Although this was not a FSW event we assisted by giving the toilets a once-over and opening them for the duration of the event and also by opening the height restriction on the entrance gate so that a van with the marquee etc could be admitted.
A good time was had by all.
Open Day Walk - Report by Ted Forsyth
As the walk from the car park passes Ash trees I mentioned Ash Dieback and the horrible dark gashes visible on some Ash trunks in the wood. The Butterfly Bank was mentioned and I pointed out that even now in the early days there were several flower species present that were not found elsewhere in the wood, with the hope that they would attract other butterflies such as Small Blue for which we currently do not have the food plant.
The entrance to the wood gave me a chance to talk about Heather’s adventures with 50 poo bags and her consequent discovery of a Scarlet Elfcup fungus. We also discussed people who drop poo bags intending to pick them up on the way back but who do not return by the same route. One person asked if it was possible to have the bin at the end of Vincent Avenue replaced.
We walked down to enter David’s Crook where we examined the apparently dying Ash tree, tested the smooth feel of the Hazel leaf and said that the similar Elm leaf felt more like sandpaper, and identified English Oak and Turkey Oak, pointing out the hairy acorns on the Turkey Oak and talking about Knopper Gall wasps and their effect on the acorns on the other Oak species. At the start of the Blackthorn hedge we looked at a Field Maple and found two types of gall on the leaves. Some sloes were found and I recalled a previous walk in which a young boy would react to every discovery by asking “Can you eat it?” He would not be dissuaded from tasting a Sloe! Took the chance to talk about the gentleman who was once found collecting Dogwood berries in the belief that they were sloes! I mentioned the habits of Hairstreak butterflies with males spending their time partying at the tops of trees and the females laying their eggs on the appropriate species – White Letter Hairstreak on Elm (of which we have only a few in the wood), Brown Hairstreak on Blackthorn, and Purple Hairstreak on Oak. I mentioned winter hunting for Brown Hairstreak eggs providing knowledge of the existence of the insect before adults had been seen.
In Pool Grove I showed the Southern Bracket fungus I found recently. A tree with a crop of red berries was identified as a Rowan or Mountain Ash. A lady pointed to a young sapling and asked what it was, saying that she had one in her garden. I pointed out that it was a young Rowan but it was only later that it occurred to me that a young Ash would have the same divided leaf arrangement and that she might have an invading Ash rather than a Rowan which might eventually attract birds to the berries.
In Linden Glade the lime trees were pointed out and mention was made of Silver-washed Fritillaries and White Admirals feeding on aphid honeydew at the tops of the trees. There was a brief discussion about the past and future state of the pond and our attempt to create a new one.
On the route back via Smith Grove I mentioned the Common Hawthorn – Crataegus monogyna – having one ovary and therefore one stone, but the Midland Thorn usually has more than one stone in each berry. At the Centenary Plantation a distorted acorn showed the effect of the Knopper gall wasp. Our route then continued back to the car park. There had been so much interaction with the group of about seven adults that what had been intended as a 40 minute walk had become a meander lasting 90 minutes!
Open Day Financial Report - by Sandra Crapper
From an income point of view probably one of our best Open Days. Well done everybody! Cash collected:
Membership £100
Tombola £120
Stalls £85
White Elephant £88.84
Calendars £85
Total £478.84
6 Joining and paying, 7 Joining and promising to pay via their bank.
5 Renewing and paying. 1 Renewing and promising to pay via their bank.
£65 received from subscriptions and donations. £6 from donations. Total £71.
Open Day 2019 was a combined event with the SRA Community Picnic Lunch and Fun and Games afternoon. The Scouts provided a useful seating area, refreshments and some action games. The Rotary Club of Sanderstead and South Croydon (including Selsdon) helped the SRA by organising some silly races (sack races, wheelbarrow races and tomato and spoon races etc) for all age groups. Many of our regular stall holders attended - the Woodturners, Friends of Littleheath Woods, a local potter, RSPB, Girl Guides, Friends of the Earth, Croydon Beekeepers, Girl Guides, Greenvale PTA and there was a sand paint stall as well as, of course our own Tombola and White Elephant stall. We also welcomed a new stall - the RNLI. We hope to have more newcomers next year but need your help in publicising the availability of stall pitches. The event date for 2020 has yet to be decided but will be either 6th or 13th September. Many of the stall holders and visitors said they thought it was one of the best Open Days of the 13 we have held so we hope to keep up to that standard next year!
The weather was kind to us and we had a good turnout. For the first time we had musical entertainment from the Soul Symphony Choir. The Lifeboat stall had a novel Captain in full dress - see photos - and he even took part in the photo competition. Both the walk led by Ted and the Story Time were well attended.
Many thanks to Linda for organising the event and to all the rest of the committee who helped on the day.
Open Day guided walk - report by Ted Forsyth
I stood by the bear to wait for customers knowing that three people intended to join me. I was surprised when 15 turned up! One was five-year old Abigail who came for the third year running having come for the first time when she was three with her grandma. She frequently held my hand and asked questions as we walked around. Another young lady, also on the scavenger hunt, came with her brother, all the others were adults. We began by walking up Greenhill Way to enter the wood where we picked up a few scavenger items, before walking down to David’s Crook. We pointed out the difference between common Oak and Turkey Oak and mentioned Knopper Galls. Pea and Nail Galls were seen on Field Maple then we took the cut-through to pick up Larch cones and talk about the Dryad’s Saddle (no longer visible) which appeared in the spring on the stump in Stevens Walk. We had a look at the display of Oyster Mushrooms on a fallen trunk then followed The Wend to see Honey Fungus and Common Earthballs. Bluebell Grove brought us back to David’s Crook to look for Sloes then we walked down to the old Cherry, out to Greenhill Way (where someone spotted the Southern Bracket) and back to the car park. I responded to various questions throughout the walk including “How do you know your way around the wood?” I referred them to the map and pointed out the name boards at each junction. In the car park field everyone went off in different directions – young Abigail got halfway across the field before racing back to say “Thank you!” for the walk.

With favourable weather conditions attendance at this year's Open Day was good and steady over the full 4 hours. These are the reports from the various FSW stands/activities.
Financial Report from Sandra Crapper
All monies have been banked today as follows:
Stall Holders
£5 Sand Pictures
£5 Guides
£5 Wilson Wood
£10 Greenvale Primary School
(RSPB will send a cheque for £8)
Membership £160
Buckets £30.60
Calendars £50
White Elephant £82
Tombola £123.36
So a very successful day.
Recruitment Report from David Malins.
23 new members paid.
1 new member subject to submitting standing order.
1 paying 2018
1 paying 2019 in advance
£5 donation
£160 cash on the day.
My grateful thanks to my team – Christian, Linda Lee, Liz Phillips.
The results were helped by the Scavenger Hunt team pointing parents in our direction.
Photo Competition Report from Heather Govier
This year there were 19 entrants who submitted over 100 photographs. From these, a shortlist of 48 were selected and printed for display at Open Day when the public were invited to participate in a secret ballot to select the winners. Over 80 visitors voted and the winners are:
First Prize £50 - Time Machine by David Pinkney
Second Prize £20 - Meadow Flight by Philip Murray-Pearce
Third Prize Equal £10 - Peacock Butterfly by Tony Flecchia & Jet in the Bluebells by Lee Butcher
Cash prizes were donated by an anonymous benefactor - to whom sincere thanks! (Both of the 3rd prize winners donated their prizes to the FSW.) All the winning and shortlisted photos are shown on the Photo Competition page.
Open Day Walks Report from Ted Forsyth
I led two walks following the same route through Greenhill way, Vincent Avenue, David’s Crook, Linden Glade, Smith Grove, Gt Field and back to the car park. The first group had 22 people including three young children. The second group began with three, picked up a fourth then were joined by three others – a father and very young daughter got as far as the bottom of Vincent Avenue before deciding to return to sand art!
I mentioned our recent activities involving tracing the route of the water supply to Linden Glade and Tony’s checking that it worked. With the first group in David’s Crook I noticed two white blobs poking out from under a leaf and on turning the leaf over I exposed a resting Small Emerald moth which walked about on my hand for a few seconds before flying off, then in Linden Glade we saw an active Speckled Wood butterfly. With the second group I mentioned the possible activities of Brown Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak and White Letter Hairstreak butterflies on Blackthorn, Oak and Elm respectively and pointed out the sloes on Blackthorn. At the non-functioning water fountain I mentioned Cyril’s comment about it originally being in the field whereas it is now hidden behind a wall of Blackthorn.
During the week I had seen many Collared Parachute fungi in Pool Grove but could not find any on the walk until a lady with sharp eyes found a few still surviving. In Linden Glade the focus of attention was obviously our problems with the cracked concrete liner but I did point out the large crop of berries (green) on the female Holly.
We then followed our return route, looking at the Sessile-, Pedunculate- and Turkey Oaks as we passed the Centenary Plantation. With the smaller group we diverted along to the Jubilee Plantation to look over the fence at the pond before continuing back to the car park.
Several people had never been in the wood before or had only come in with sleds when snow was on the ground and some seemed to be determined to return. I reminded them that we run guided walks throughout the year, with the fungus walk being in October, and that they could always get information about our programme on the website.
Kids Activity Area Report from Neale Fox
We used up “prizes” from last year so no expenditure there. Karen and I bought the sweets and crisps and all leftovers we have taken home with us.
Although we did not count the numbers I estimate thirty to forty children took part in the scavenger hunt. We were very generous with prizes and sweets, some children took more than one of each. I think everyone enjoyed themselves in the lovely weather we had.
Virgin Money donated beach balls and colouring books which we gave out as well until they ran out.
10 Calendars £50
Jam Stall £20
Sand Stall £5
Woodturners Stall £5
Buckets £22.08 (can be gift aided)
White Elephant £28
Tombola £77
Membership Stall – £105 (5 donations of £5 = £25 - plus 16 membership payments made today = £80 plus one SO membership.)
I waited for the first walk to start at 12.30pm but there were no customers. After waiting until 12.40pm I noticed a lady emerging from the toilet with her 3 year old grand-daughter and carrying a scavenger sheet. I asked if they would like me to show them around. Young Abigail did not stop talking during the walk. I took them up Greenhill Way and down into David's Crook where we found most of the items on the sheet but could not find any Hazel nuts. While we were walking through the path towards Stevens Walk granny suddenly bent down and picked up a conifer cone, then a few metres further on she picked up a Hazel nut.
At the second walk at 2.30pm there were five adults one of whom said she had lived in the area most of her life but would not walk in the woods on her own and did not know where the pond was. I took them through David's Crook, pointing out sessile Oak and Turkey Oak next to each other, then on the way back later we were able to see the pedunculate or English Oak by the Centenary Plantation - sporting a fine crop of Knopper Galls and a few good acorns. I pointed out the crop of sloes, obviously mentioned sloe gin, and talked about Brown Hairstreaks and Blackthorns. We reached the pond in Linden Glade where I showed them our "henge" and the cracks in the concrete liner. Return was via Smith Grove and The Wend , where they were intrigued by the Common Earthballs, then past the Centenary and back to the gazebos.
Both groups seemed to enjoy themselves.

After the successful litter pick with the Beaver Scouts 2 years ago, we were approached this April by Diana Walters leader of the 5th Selsdon & Addington group to organise another similar event this year. The Council Clean & Green team were happy to participate again and so the FSW investigated appropriate sites. Fox Shaw had been well cleared on the previous occasion so this time we focused on the adjoining paths. There was a big buildup of litter at the end of Yew Tree way where youths had been gathering to party and along the stretch of the London Loop and Vanguard Way running along footpath 515. In the other direction, the footpaths running alongside Fox Shaw to Kittiwake and Turnestone Closes also needed attention.
Around 15 Beaver Scouts supported by teenage Explorer Scouts and half a dozen leaders and parents assembled in Quail Gardens by the footpath to Selsdon Wood at 6pm. The Croydon Clean and Green team handed out lots of litter-pickers, collecting bags and gloves and hi-viz jackets for the children to wear.
We split into 2 groups – one going into the wood and along Vale Border in the direction of Yew Tree Way and the other following the footpaths at the edge of Fox Shaw towards Kingfisher Gardens.
After an hour of litter picking we had a substantial pile of rubbish including a car wheel, part of a motorbike tank and a 2m long piece of insulated cladding. As parents came to collect their children we gave ourselves a round of applause and we all went our separate ways at 7pm after a very fruitful hour. The Croydon Clean & Green Team took all the rubbish away.
A big thank you to Diana Walters and the 5th Selsdon and Addington Beavers group and to Tracey Bellamy and the Croydon Clean and Green Team for all their support.

Calendars (sold 10) £50
Contributions from Stalls: Epilepsy £5, Vegan £5 Uncle Ria’s Jams £20 (to come RSPB)
Memberships - Total £15
Donation Buckets £60.88 – up approximately 30% from last year
Tombola £120
Walks Report from Ted Forsyth
The first walk involved a dozen people including several youngsters who were looking for Scavenger Hunt items based on sheets prepared by Heather last year. Our first item was “a leaf with spots”, i.e. Sycamore leaf showing Tar Spot. Where normally at this time of the year we would expect to find all Sycamore leaves covered in black blotches we saw that most leaves were untouched by the fungus. Keeping an eye open for other items, we walked through David’s Crook to Linden Glade where we looked at a well-grown Beefsteak fungus. Returning via Smith Grove we found another Beefsteak at the junction with Bluebell Grove. Following Bluebell Grove to The Wend we were able to see the collection of Common Earthballs. The last task was to find a Hornbeam which we did in Field 3. We finished the walk in one and a half hours.
The later walk had no Scavenger Hunters and had ten adults. We followed the same route but in Linden Glade, after admiring the large Beefsteak, someone spotted a bright yellow fungus further into the wood. It proved to be a group of Chicken of the Woods in marvellous condition spread along a fallen log. When I remarked that I usually saw them in a tier of brackets my attention was drawn to a nearby tree which had just such a tier protruding from the trunk. On the way back we investigated differences between Common Hawthorn and Midland Thorn, and also compared Sessile-, Pedunculate- (English), and Turkey Oaks. We were back at the car park in less than an hour.
Student Filming in
Selsdon Wood 9th-11th November 2015
In November
our wood had a visit form a group of students in Filmmaking, at Kingston University. They were led by Jade
Lederer who was shooting an adaptation of "The Wonderful Musician", a
Grimm's fairytale as part of her assessed coursework. We gave her and her art
director a tour of the wood looking for suitable locations and after they had
cleared everything with the Council they came to film on 9th and 11th
of November. The weather was kind to them on both days and I saw them
shooting by one of our significant landmarks (see right) at the junction of Bluebell Grove
and The Wend on Monday and near the Monster Trees in Beech Grove on Wednesday (see below). We are told that the film will be available on the web in due
course and we shall be sure to let you know when it appears.

Beavers Litter Pick in Fox Shaw - 30th September 2015
Around 25 Beaver Scouts supported by 8 teenage Explorer Scouts and half a dozen leaders and parents assembled in Quail Gardens by the footpath to Selsdon Wood at 5.30pm on Wednesday 30th September. The objective was a litter pick in Fox Shaw and also along a stretch of the London Loop and Vanguard Way running along footpath 515. The Croydon Clean and Green team handed out lots of litter-pickers, collecting bags and gloves and hi-viz jackets for the children to wear. All the children were also fitted with Fantastic Foxes badges (see right).
After about 30 minutes of successful litter hunting in Fox Shaw we regrouped (see the photo below) and walked into the wood and along Vale Border in the direction of Yew Tree Way. We stopped by the badger setts and fox holes where the lovely picture of a baby fox used on our badge was taken (by FSW member and Photo Competition regular Sheila Woolcock in the spring of this year). We showed the children the full photograph and explained where it was taken and pointed out the badger diggings. We then walked along the London Loop footpath to Goldfinch Road picking up a huge amount of litter along the way. We pretty much managed to fill the Council van with the results of our work and all went our separate ways at 6.30pm after a very fruitful hour.
A big thanks you to Diana Walters and the 5th Selsdon and Addington Beavers group and to Tracey Bellamy and the Croydon Clean and Green Team for all their support.

Open Day 2015 - 13th September - report from Ted Forsyth
Having watched weather forecasts slowly improving over the
last days and even hours before Sunday’s opening, it was with some optimism
that I got to the car park at 8.30am. I opened up the toilet block and the gates to the extension car park
then checked Linda’s marking out of the various stalls.
Over the next half an hour most of the
FSW Committee arrived with husbands, daughters and granddaughters in tow, joined by Richard Lock,
Simon Morris and Joseph Stone, and later one or two others who would help on
the stalls. Our trolley, with its
colourful new wheels, was in use to ferry gazebos and other heavy items from
the toolstore and, as the gazebos rose in their positions, a constant stream of
materials came from cars and store. I helped David erect his impressive display of the work we do in the
wood (see right) then directed the various stall holders to their places.
The woodworking group alone had seven
cars, all of which we were able to retain behind their marquee, as we did with
all the other stall holders vehicles. This helped to give an impression of a much bigger event and was only
possible because the grass cutting had been so well done this year. I was given the notice indicating where
to meet for the walks and was about to attach it to the bear when I saw that
the refreshment vehicle was stuck behind the entrance barrier which was still
closed as I had not expected a high vehicle. I soon managed to open that then got back to the bear only
to discover that the string had been cut last year and no longer fitted round
the bear. That was sorted out by
attaching a longer piece (and at the end of the day it was removed without
When I pay for items
using cash I frequently get a handful of 1p, 2p and 5p as change and usually
throw them into a container in a drawer. I had no idea what I intended to do with them eventually but decided to
spread them around the collection buckets so that we began with something in
the buckets to encourage others to donate.
By now it was getting close to the first walk so I wandered
over to the bear and was joined by a lady who said she walked in the fields but
did not like to walk in the woods unaccompanied. The group was completed by the addition of a couple and we
set off up Greenhill Way, chatting about anything which came to mind, including
some of the items for the children’s scavenger hunt. We had a good look at Ash keys and discussed the fruits of
Sycamores and Maples, then I began pointing out fungi. They must have been paying attention
for one of them pointed out a large number of fungi (Inkcaps) growing on
branches off the path just before we turned towards David’s Path. One of the ladies was Italian and we
talked about the effect of continental immigrants, who know what they are
doing, who pick fungi for consumption. Perhaps that is why I do not see some of the more interesting edible
fungi – they have got there before me! We followed an unplanned route through
Pool Grove, Linden Glade, Leafy Grove (Yellow Stagshorn), The Wend (Common
Earthballs), Smith Grove (Small Stagshorn), Great Field (Common and Turkey
Oaks), past Centenary Plantation (where the Broad-leaved Helleborine has
returned again and is now in seed) and back to the car park. The first lady had picked up a small
map from David and I had a spare map I had printed out, which I gave to the
couple, and at times we consulted the maps to show where we were. They seemed to enjoy the walk and I
certainly did. It took just over
one hour.
I took pictures of most
of the stalls (see the gallery below) and was asked to supply a copy of the jam lady’s stall as she
never had a picture of the completed stall (see right). At the RSPB stall I was told that a large flock of House
Martins had flown over earlier. There was a moment of panic around 2.10pm when I thought the next walk
was to start at 2.00pm but a quick check confirmed 2.30pm. I discovered that Neale was encouraging
any intending scavenger hunters to join in on the walk so instead of the three
I had on the first walk I set off with at least 23. Neale had printed some of Heather’s scavenger sheets and
backed them with a copy of the map, then laminated them in case we had rain. My morning route changed to bring in
more of the desired items for the hunt so we were able to talk about
Pedunculate-, Sessile- and Turkey Oaks and Knopper Galls, the new Shaggy
Bracket fungus in Bluebell Grove, and the couple of dozen Common
Earthballs. Again the walk was
about one hour and everyone seemed happy.
By now the main car park and the extension car park had filled up with cars. It was soon time to pack up and materials began drifting back to stores and cars, gazebos came down and were packed away, and visitors’ cars disappeared – except for one which was parked at the far end of the extension car park. When this happened on a previous occasion we left the gate between the car parks looking as though it was closed but put a message on the car windscreen as explanation. We considered doing the same but as we stood talking as the last car was filled with David’s display, etc, the owners of the vehicle arrived so we were able to close the gates, including the height barrier, and leave the site (at last!). It had been a long day but the predicted rain had not appeared so we did not have the problem of dismantling gazebos in the rain and later having the problems of drying off wet ones.
(As we waited at the end a very large flock of House Martins flew over as they hunted for insects over Vale Border).
Report on the Kid's gazebo and Scavenger Hunt from Sarah Malins
We enjoyed ourselves, it was fun and we did work together as a team. Neale went round and gathered troops for the story and the scavenger hunt, which was good for us. Once we got going we were joking with the kids and the parents.
Some of the parents, when they knew it was free,
wanted to donate something. We
directed them to the collection bucket in the FSW gazebo. A separate bucket in the Kids area would be good in future. The parents were as enthusiastic as the kids and they were all so nice
and very polite. They did put effort into it.
The easier Scavenger Hunt sheet was better, the
children were mostly 7/8 and below. However the other sheet was good in that it gave hints of where to find the items, so it was useful to have both. Lots of children didn't find pine
cones, but then lots did.
They kids liked the
badges and Neale has recorded what prizes were most popular. It was a good idea to have samples of the items to be found, especially as I didn't know what sloe (is that how you spell it) was. However all the adults seemed to know it was connected to gin!
The children enjoyed looking at the skulls but there was no great interest in colouring activities - we just has 2 kids that coloured in. We did put some pictures in their bags. That was it. People were interested in maps of the wood and the leaflets.
Sophie enjoyed talking to the kids and thought the kids liked adding their names to the list of participants that she maintained. She thought we should get their ages next time. I think there were over 40 names on the list.
I think it went well and around 50 children were involved at one time or another.
Financial Report from Treasurer Sandra Crapper
Buckets £48.38
Tombola + Bric-a-Bac £245
Calendars £80
Stall holders £50
Memberships + Donations £150
So we did very well - raising almost £600 to fund our work in the coming year.
The FSW display and recruitment tent was organised by David Malins with the support of Janet, John and Ted. Subs were paid by 17 new members and 3 renewers (£95) and there were donations totalling £25.
A Thank You from FSW Chair Heather Govier
I was unable to attend Open Day this year and I would like to offer a personal thank you to everyone who made it so successful. The main work of planning and preparation was all down to our secretary and Open Day Organiser, Linda Morris so we owe her a huge vote of thanks. Ted (see above) and all the rest of the FSW Committee - and members of their families - worked hard on the day and my thanks to each of them for their efforts.
On behalf of the FSW, I should also like to say thank you for prizes and sweets donated by Snappy Snaps, Vintage 62, Clarks Newsagents and Friends. Thanks too to John Wren of Croydon Council for arranging for the grass cutting and subsequent clearing. Everyone commented on how well it all looked.
See the gallery below for photographs of many of the stalls. Thanks to Ted Forsyth for these.

Those of you who live in Courtwood Lane may well have noticed that the stretch of Selsdon Wood running beside the road from Cascades to the end of Markfield is a real magnet for litter - see the “before” photograph top left. The main culprits seem to be those households who persist in putting general rubbish in the street bins and the foxes that pull this into the wood and spread it about the area known as Court Wood. The litter is especially visible at this season of the year when the trees are bare and so this was a perfect time to get in there and clear it up.
The FSW organised a community clean up in the area at 10 am on
Saturday February 7th. Croydon’s Clean & Green team were eager
to support us by supplying posters to advertise the event. News got out via the
Forestdale Forward group and we also notified the Head at the nearby Courtwood
Primary School. As a result we were approached by several individuals keen to
help and also by the leader of the 5th
Selsdon & Addington Scout Group and the Pinewood Seahorses Explorer Scouts who
offered the support of his young charges working toward their Community
Challenge badges.
It was a great success - see the “after” photograph top right!! We had around 20 volunteers and managed to clear up Court Wood really well:-) There was an unbelievable amount of litter - see the photograph below showing what we collected. Tracy Bellamy, Croydon’s Clean and Green Street Champion Coordinator, and a squad of Enforcement Officers set up a table with posters and T-shirts and provided litter pickers, gloves, bags and bag holders for the volunteers to use and even T-shirts for all who wanted them. The Enforcement Officers also delivered fliers around the neighborhood with information about the Don’t Mess with Croydon campaign. There was a caged vehicle where the collected rubbish could be deposited and we more than half filled it! The event was scheduled for 2 hours but most of the work was completed by 11.30 am when we all got together for the group photograph showing what we had achieved. There was a total of half a ton of litter, which was taken away to landfill.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to helpJ I have had complementary remarks from many local residents who have noticed our lovely clean woods.

Open Day 7 September 2014
We had a lovely day for our annual fair, which was a fruitful money raiser, netting over £500 (see report below).
Photos above from Faheem Mirza, Dawn Gibbons, Mark Shoesmith and Linda Morris.
The recruiting and PR area did an excellent job - we have nine new members and six old members renewed. Lots of leaflets were handed out so there may be more memberships to come. Three bags of charcoal and one bag of logs were also sold here Many thanks to David, Janet, Neale & KarenJ
The tombola and white elephant stall was constantly busy and the tombola was a sell-out with the final prize hanging on until the very last batch of six tickets was sold! People enjoyed rummaging through the white elephants to track down a bargain. Some ‘escaped' so do come again next year to see what we have managed to round up to help boost our funds. Thanks to everyone who helped out here especially the two Lindas, Karen, Cecile, Christine and SandraJ
The children’s activity area was busier than last year. Popular activities included leaf rubbing, colouring and word search activities and scavenger hunts at two levels of difficulty (the easy one was most popular). There was also an exhibition of skulls and seasonal nuts, which stimulated interest and discussion. Thanks to Dawn, Karl and Cathy for their work on the stallJ
The storytime session (from 1.45 - 2.30 pm) was held beneath the shade of one of the trees. Using clipboards and coloured pencils supplied by Selsdon Library, the children tried to find all the rabbits hidden in a picture - there were 16 to be found so the older children helped the younger ones. Sandra then read three stories: Bunny and Bee's Forest Friends by Sam Williams (Bunny and Bee are rabbits to follow through with the rabbit theme); Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, which the children really enjoyed. To finish there were photocopy sheets of trees, foxes, rabbits and owls for the children to colour in or to take home. Many thanks to Sandra for leading this sessionJ
The photo competition attracted lots of interest and the winner was Mark Shoesmith with his Squirrel Portrait. Mark also took second prize with his Small Heath Butterfly and Ted Forsyth took third with his Owl in Linden Glade. Congratulations to both winners!!! Thanks to our anonymous donor there are cash prizes for all 3 winners - £50 (first) and £20 (second) to Mark and £10 (third) to Ted - and a Snappy Snaps voucher for each winner. Thanks to Tony for his help hereJ
There were two guided walks during the course of the afternoon, the first with eight adults and one young girl and the second with one adult male. The walkers looked at various fungi, helped with the scavenger hunt, and identified King Alfred's Cakes, Knopper Gall and Artichoke Gall, all found by the young girl. Many thanks to Ted for leading both walksJ
Visiting stalls included Littleheath Woods, Mingles, Bee Keepers, East Surrey Badger Protection Society, RSPB, East Surrey Wood Turners, Selsdon Art Club, and the local Ceramicist, Tim Bartell, and tasty refreshments were ably provided by the 2nd Selsdon and Addington Scout Group lead by Paul Burns. Many thanks to them allJ
Thanks to all who helped with the packing away at the end of the day and a special thank you to Tony and Neale for organising the store to ensure that everything went back neat and tidyJ
The total sum raised for FSW funds was £525.25 - comprised of: £165 – Tombola; £53 – Brica a Brac; £15 – Charcoal; £4 – Logs; £140 – Calendars; £5.25 – profit on Xmas Cards; £40 - Donations from stall holders; £25 - Other donations; £75 - Membership fees.
Thanks again to all those who contributed time, effort and prizes etc this year and a special thanks to Linda Morris who organized the whole shebangJ
Photos from Ted Forsyth, Neale Fox and John Zareba
See the FSW June Newsletter for a full account of the event from Ted
FSW Open Day - 1st September 2013
The additional invited stalls covered a wide range of interests and goods – supporting badgers, birds and bees, and selling wood craft and pottery items. Refreshments were provided by the local scouts and there were guided walks for all ages and activities for children including a scavenger hunt, face painting and story time. Other pages on this website have details of the walks (Walks page) and the Photo Competition (Photo Competition page).
See below for photographs (thanks to Tony Flecchia and Dawn Gibbons)

Below - The girls after the planting