Each entrant may submit up to 6 photographs taken in Selsdon Woods between 20th August 2024 and 19th August 2025. A selection of the photos submitted will be put to a secret ballot in September 2025. Thirteen of the photos will be chosen for the 2027 Calendar and the three receiving the most votes will receive cash prizes - 1st £50, 2nd £20 and 3rd £10.
Closing date - 20th August 2025.
Please submit your photographs to our organiser, Heather Govier, in electronic format by email to govierh@gmail.com or via the FSW Facebook page. Please send full sized images (not reduced edits). Alternatively you could submit prints to Heather Govier, 219 Osward, Courtwood Lane, Croydon. CR0 9HG. For each photo please supply a title and details of where taken.
By sending your photographs you agree that they may be used and displayed by the FSW.
2022 Exhibition
Sadly, the 2022 Photo Exhibition had to be cancelled. After a bumper entry in 2021, with a total of 26 people sending in their photos, hardly anyone submitted an entry in 2022. By the closing date of 20th August we had just 5 entrants despite advertising on the FSW website, in the FSW Facebook group and on posters. This was not enough to give an interesting selection to choose from so we cancelled the exhibition for the year.
2015 Exhibition - Winners and other Shortlisted Photographs
2012 Exhibition - Winners and Other Shortlisted Photographs
Where no age is given the photographer may be assumed to have entered the Senior competition
2011 Exhibition - Winners and Other Shortlisted Photographs
2010 Exhibition - Winners and Other Shortlisted Photographs