Red Walk with QR support

The 1 mile Red Walk follows sign posts R1 to R6 - an easy walk but with a moderate slope at the start.


R1. Follow the path up the hill past the wooden bear on your right. This part is steep but there is a bench at the entrance to the wood.

The bear was carved as a spectator event during the first Forestry Show in Selsdon Wood in 1988. The chain-saw carver was a local tree surgeon, Selwyn Smith, who now lives in Wales.

At the start of the path you can see a group of young trees planted in the field to your left. These include a Cherry with white blossom in springtime. The dominant shrub in the hedge behind you in Vale Border is Bullace (Wild Damson) which bears white blossom in springtime. Although the blossom is almost identical to that of Blackthorn, the latter can be distinguished by its spiny thorns. In the autumn/winter the distinction is clearer as the Blackthorn bears round black sloes and the Bullace small oval shaped plums/damsons. A pictorial Autumn I Spy guide is available here.

The field is rich with flowers in the spring and summer. Look especially for Pyramidal Orchids and the tall blue Scabious and white Ox-Eye Daisies.

As you climb the hill note the wood to your right, Greenhill Shaw, which contains some evergreen Norway Spruce. These have short thick needles and elongated cones. There are also many ivy-clad trees in that woodland.

The bench to the left of the entrance to the wood was installed in 2015 by the FSW.
