Who we are
The Friends of Selsdon Wood are volunteers working with Croydon Council to ensure that Selsdon Wood is maintained for the benefit of the flora and fauna, as well as for the enjoyment of the public. We are the Council's eyes and ears - reporting problems that occur. We are grateful to the many dog walkers and others who also 'keep an eye out' whilst enjoying the fields and woods and advise of problems too.
Download a printable leaflet (with map).
What we do
The Friends regularly hold informative walks, carry out sustainable conservation and restorative work and monitor wildlife in Selsdon Wood. On our work sessions (see the Work Sessions page for details) we coppice woodland and carry out other maintenance work. Our Committee meetings are open to all, usually on the last Monday of alternate months and we hold our AGM in early March. All start at 8pm at the Forestdale Forum.
Our display boards at the entrances carry posters advertising forthcoming walks (see the Walks page) and provide other information for users of the woods.
See the Events page for dates of all meetings, walks etc.
See also the Projects page for information about our latest projects - commissioning of wood sculptures and using shingle to improve the muddy paths.
Join Us
The Friends are pleased to welcome new members. Your £5 family subscription will help to pay for more bird boxes, native trees & plants, tools, leaflets, name boards etc. Membership of the Friends expresses your belief in, and support for, the work we do. The Friends understand that not everyone can take part in maintenance work or attend meetings but your membership encourages us all.
To join download and complete a membership form (Word File or PDF), go to the Contact Us page on this website or email selsdonwood@gmail.com.
All members of the FSW are welcome to join our Committee. This meets every 2 months at the Forestdale Forum.
The FSW is a member of the Association of Croydon Conservation Societies (ACCS) and the Moving Mountains Network
We also have a Facebook Page and publish a monthly Newsletter.
Except where stated otherwise, all materials on this website are © FSW.
There is an additional hourly bus, 409, which runs along Old Farleigh Road with a stop named Selsdon Nature Reserve and It is also possible to access the wood from Courtwood Lane which is served by the 353. The 409 does not run on Sundays.
Click the link below for useful numbers to report problems.
Reporting Problems / Injured Animals in Selsdon Wood